Saturday, July 5, 2008

cuatro de julio

Happy 4th of July!
Our day started out with the Centerville parade that passed right by our home. It was probably one of the most happening events of the year in this large metropolis that we live in! I forgot to grab my camera to capture some of the sights because my husband kept insisting that I "hurry up! the parade is going to start!" We did run into a few old friends which was nice, and family too. After the parade we were able to meet up with Ryan's good friends Kyle and Kim Christensen and their two kids for lunch. They were on their way back to Idaho and stopped to have a little visit with us. It was great to see them and catch up. Later in the evening it was off to Jared and Linda's for a traditional 4th of July BBQ. Thanks guys for hosting this year! Maybe next year it can be our turn! We had a good time and the food was amazing!
having a moment on the balcony
me and linda with her sister ann

1 comment:

Julie said...

I was thinking this year how cool it would be to have a parade come right by my house...I'm so jealous! Love ya!