Monday, July 7, 2008

private design

Sometimes I think I forget how fortunate I am to be in the line of work that I am in, to have the amazing clients I have, AND the best business partner, co-worker, and friend in the world. So, here's a shout to anyone who has anything to do with private design... mostly to the clients who make our days, Liv who graces us with her presence every Tuedsay, and to Chal my ever consistent and unconditional friend!
I love you guys!


Lauren Ricci said...

Me, my nails, my toes, my face, my wedding pictures, and my newly brown eyebrows love you too!

Thanks for always beautifying me!

The Patrona said...


Karen T said...

You keep me young! I love listening to all the different personalities in the salon. Thanks for keeping me updated on my friends, clothes, makeup and tattoos! You are a doll!