Monday, June 30, 2008


When we go, this is where we go. We love it. It has been a gradual thing for Ry. I think I just inherently feel more of a need for the God connection than he does, but he is such a good man and he knows that balance is good. So on Saturday when he looked at me and said "I want to go to church tomorrow" it felt good to not be the prodder, but the prodded. The lesson was on integrity... something that is always good to re hash. Afterwards as we were chatting and sharing our feelings on the subject we both admitted that although we feel we are very honest people, it was nice to be reminded of the great importance and role that integrity holds in our lives. Andy (one of the pastors and the speaker that day) gave us these cards afterwards and told us to carry them around with us in our purses or wallets. It is Philippians 4:8, cuz it is kind of hard to read. On the other side it looks like a playing card. Kind of cool. We both have ours in our wallets. I know you're super jealous, so if you want one I'll get you one too! ;)

1 comment:

Karen T said...

I've heard the K2 church is very good. Isn't nice to attend a church where you are so inspired to be a better person? I love how you have grown!

That's how I felt when I moved to Denver and attended my first nondenominational church. It's amazing how prayers can be answered!