Wednesday, July 23, 2008


A big shout to Brooklyn (Lucy to me) and Christian on your recent plans for marriage in the fall. I can't wait for all the preps and festivities to begin. I am especially looking forward to standing at attention on the holy land and then marching to the beat of the nazi beauty queens as I submissively follow orders (willingly of course) in the preps of the big day. I already have butterflies in my tummy at the anticipation of the days to come! Luc, you know I will help like a good little soldier girl does... anything for the love birdies.

I love you guys and my heart is so happy for you both!


Kathleen said...

I totally get why you call these girls the BQ's. They are gorgeous! I was looking at Chal the other day and thinking how classicly beautiful she is.

The Patrona said...

Coco has made assignments, but I doubt you got the memo. Since we're all too bossy with Brooklyn, you have been assigned to attend to her every whim, on her special day. Coco thinks she needs someone who can be sweet, soft, and tender with her on such an emotional day-and that of course, would be you. Not a Nazi sister who will put her into tears. Don't you just love how your flitting about always put's everyone in a good mood. I do. We should rename you The Pleasant Princess, instead of Penne Pasta.

Lauren Ricci said...

Congrats to Brooklyn! That is so exciting!