Wednesday, May 21, 2008

kanab, zions, etc...

We left for Southern Utah last Saturday. Our first stop was Kanab where the kids live. We were shocked to find out that EVERY hotel, motel, lodge, trailer for rent, EVERYTHING was booked. Come to find out it was greyhound weekend in Kanab. Who would have thunk it? Plus there were like a bajillion tour buses containing every nationality ever. So between the greyhound obsessed crazies and the foreigners, we felt very lucky after a two hour search, and 17 trips around the large metropolis of Kanab, to locate us a really cool spot in room 219 at the luxurious super 8! Rock on!! Seriously there was nothing super about it, except for the super dirty bathroom, super sticky carpet, super cool leaky ceiling, super hard mattresses, super stinky room stench, and super not insulated walls! But, hey! It was a place to crash other than the car, and we were feelin' super blessed that the nice ol' lady sold us a room at a AAA rate! Go super 8!

Here is Taylor with her good friend Cassie.

We went to visit Zion Mountain Resort where the kids work. It is right outside of Zion's National Park and is a really peaceful and neat place to stay. We were able to visit while Jordan was still on the job.

Such good looking kids, aren't they!?!!

Here is the highlight of Zions for Ryan:
He was just right there on the side of the road, and then he just took a small run for it, jumped up the cliff and was on the ledge in a matter of seconds... a mountain climbers dream skills! It was pretty amazing, especially since he was just a little yearling!

More spectacular views...

I was a bit obsessed with taking photos of the flowering cacti... but I will just post a few of the many great photos I captured:

And then on the way out of town and on to Lake Powell, we had to go see what one of Ry's best friends has been talking about in Ferdonia...

This ones for you Church:

It was hoppin, let me tell you!!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Love the flowering cacti! You should get a job with Nat'l Geographic! I think Utah has the most amazing geography.