Monday, October 10, 2011


Although I will NEVER be sporting these to prove or make some fashion statement, I do humbly admit that I owe my BIL Charles an apology.  They still are very weird looking, but I am wearing them... but very selectively.  He was fashionably parading these a few years ago (in puke yellow..yuck!  aren't my grey and pinks much cuter? ) .  My reasons for the splurge are much different than Charles' though.  His = to continue to carry on and state and overstate his weirdness and need to be different...or cool?   Mine = I looked at my bare behind one too many times in my full length a few Fridays back, and decided it was high time for an intervention.  My 2 year break from cardio and the gym have really taken a toll.  These babies are supposed to be gentler to my poor abused, over worked, over surgereid x 3 knees (a big reason for giving it all up... but I could have done elliptical, I just opted for lazy)
My first date with these puppies was STRAIGHT up Eaglewood Dr... and then back DOWN.  Back in my race days, I would have been running straight to the doc after that abuse.  I have to say, no knee pain.  I was impressed, but now, it sucks, cuz I have no excuse.  Well, maybe the rain?  The colder weather? The lack of daylight in the early morning?  There's always something, eh?  We'll see if I can muster out of me some pent up motivation.  ;)  

...if only ryan wouldn't have canceled that gym membership auto pay...
Then I would have maintained the momentum...
HA! I just made myself chuckle!

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