Monday, October 24, 2011

gem 1

"Walt Disney's dream for Disney World was that it would never be finished.  He wanted it to keep growing and changing forever."

In my life, I am the project queen.  I love to-do lists.  I love checking the tasks off the list once completed.  I find such satisfaction in doing this, even though I am the only living soul who ever sees the list, and after all the tasks are completed and checked off, I throw the list away.  But, it's just one of my things.  I  like doing it.  It makes me feel good. 
As much as I am a doer, a starter, and a finisher; I realized in reading the words above, that my life must not always be about a finished product.  As in everything in life, balance is best.  Reading those words reminded me, and taught me, that joy is in the doing, in the expecting, in the unknown, in the process...

We often hear people say that the best part of a vacation is not the vacation, it is the anticipation of the unexpected, the break, the prep, the butterflies in the tummy before leaving, the hype...

So, what I learned, when Randy talked about Walt Disney never wanting Disney World to be a finished product, was that: 
It is the "in process" aspects of life that bring the most joy and success.

So, will I get rid of my to-do lists?  Never.  It is part of who I am.  But, I will dedicate myself to remembering that not all things have to have a date of completion.  I think Ryan would be happy...if he ever read these words I just typed, because maybe in the application of this life lesson to my life, just maybe his will be a little easier.  My actions will speak louder than these words though, so even if not read, they will be felt.... he's one observant man.  He'll notice.

1 comment:

Raenie said...

That's very profound, Hannie. Thank you. Perhaps I need to read that book too!