Wednesday, January 12, 2011

new decade for chal

Happy Birthday to my bf Chal. 
Today is her day to embrace a new decade:
I've been at it for almost 5 years now, and I promise my dear friend, it will be OK!  It is not that bad.  Actually I have loved my 30's.  Cheers to happiness, fulfillment, and realization of dreams!  I love you!


Karen T said...

Let's see...
If 48 is the new 38, then 30 is the new 20!
Happy Birthday, Chal!

Karen T said...

Let's see...
If 48 is the new 38, then 30 is the new 20!
Happy Birthday, Chal!

Lauren Ricci said...

Happy birthday Miss Chal! I am sure 30 will be your best year yet! Well said Han :)

Kathleen said...

Oh, Chal, I didn't realize you were just a "baby." You are so wise and wonderful! Happy Birthday!

Raenie said...

This is the big one for both of us...I never realized we were the same age! Happy Birthday.