Sunday, January 2, 2011

homemade treats

My neighbor gave us some homemade doggie treats.  Bogey loved them.  I had never thought of making them before, but thought on my weekend off that I'd give it a whirl.  The puppy loves them.  He stood next to me at my feet the whole 2 hours I was in the kitchen baking them.  I have no idea how he knew they were for him, but somehow he did.  At least my hard work is appreciated.  It was kind of fun, but I doubt I'll make them again.  It took too long!

Oat, cornmeal, beef, cheddar bones & Sesame, walnut, lemon bites.


Lauren Ricci said...

Those look great! I will have to make some too :)

Raenie said...

You are such a good mommy :-)