Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I admit that I am a bit of a clean freak.  I like order, and I like clean.  I try really hard not to burden my husband with my need for clean, ie: asking him to help me clean, or expecting him to help me clean.  It is my thing, I cannot expect him to think like me, or prefer things the way I do.  Nonetheless, I thought I would post this photo just for him.  As proof.  My cleaning day is Friday.  EVERY Friday the house gets a top to bottom spotless clean.  He thinks it very unnecessary.  "The house IS clean! Why do you need to do it AGAIN?!"  he says.   Well, my dear sweet Ryan.  After just one week, this is what I swept up in our "CLEAN" home. 
And that is just from one tidy woman, a dirt oblivious husband, and a 10 lb puppy. 


Raenie said...

That's pretty funny! I wish that were ALL on my floors after a week. If I had the drive to be a clean freak like you (I think all those genes wore off by the time I came around) I'd have to sweep my floors after every single meal and snack for that matter!

The Patrona said...

Up at 6:10 and blogging? I love your OCD. Sleep well!

Kathleen said...
