Monday, October 27, 2008

spare yourself with a spare

I stopped at the post office this morning on my way to work to grab my PO box mail, and as I stood there making sense of it all: toss junk, keep cute cards like the one my sweet soldier bro sent to me from Iraq, and another that my cute little niece drew for me. Ahh, I love good mail.. and was thoroughly enjoying the sentiments I was reading when I was interrupted by a Skywest flight attendant "excuse me, do you have a phone I can borrow?" me: "well sure, it's in my car" So, while walking toward my car she told me she had locked her keys in her car, and that her spare was inside as well. Using my cell allowed her to contact her husband so he could come rescue her, and she could finally get home and in bed after a long couple days of work. So, I left and headed to work feeling like a real good Samaritan.
And then.... I decided on my way home from work to go to Corner 22. I really wanted a Diet Pepsi with 2 lemons. It just sounded so so good. I parked, got into my purse for the exact change. It's a buck five, if you're wondering, and I don't like to carry my whole office of a purse into a convenient store, only to dig out a buck five. Efficiency, that's what I'm all about. Well, usually. I went out to my car after my transaction, and while sipping on my ice cold goodness, I peered into the drivers window, and you guessed it. There were my keys, right on the console, and right next to them on the passenger seat sat my purse, and yes my extra key was in my purse. I marched back into the store, asked the cute clerk if I could borrow her cell phone... sounds awfully familiar, I know...
Ryan came to the rescue, and as we pulled away I said, "so do ya know of a good locksmith?" It was then that it hit him; we were not going home to get the extra key. There was no extra at that moment. He proceeded to lecture me. Or tried. I pretty much cut him off... "honey, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, don't hate, just love." Just about that same time, we pulled up to a red light right next to a Bountiful Policeman. Ryan motioned for him to open his window. We told him our dilemma, and he was nice. He met us there, and after about 10 attempts and 3 different tools, he opened my door. Relief.
Moral of the story. Leave your extra keys at home.
ps: i apologized to my man later on for ruining his golf score on his last hole... (that's when i called him.) he simply said: "babe, for you i will do anything, it's ok"
...he didn't hate, just loved...

1 comment:

The Patrona said...

I'm laughing all the way to my purse! Such a Hannie moment, I love it.