Monday, April 21, 2008


This is only because I love you so much Lauren! (she tagged me) Four jobs I have had: paper route, mcdonalds, tele marketer, nanny Four people who email me: mom, chal, steph hunt, K2 with weekly updates (my church) Four favorite foods: lasagna, sweet and sour chicken, sushi, broccoli Four places I'd rather be: the warm beach (any of them), santorini greece getting massaged on the beach, the grand baazar in Istanbul shopping my heart out and bartering with the shop owners, rehab at hard rock las vegas. Four people I think will or I would like to respond: Mij, Rocko, Kathy, Chal Four movies I would watch over and over: what about bob?, everafter, pride and predjudice, titanic Four places I have lived: ontario oregon, massillon ohio, buenos aires argentina, salt lake city utah Four tv shows I watch: the bachelor, american idol, deal or no deal, desperate housewives Four websites I visit daily: yahoo, america first credit union, an array of blogs, and thats it... Four things I always carry with me: lip gloss.. lots of colors, tide stick, stack of multiple gift cards, camera Four random facts about me: i can't pass the bathroom without making sure the toilet seat is down and if it isn't, i have to put it down, i make my bed every morning, i don't have a middle name, i can burp on command... although i have polished myself up over the years and do not expose this side of me much at all anymore.


The Patrona said...

All I have to say to this post is "Flip"! It's so you and some things never change. Though, you neglected to mention that you carry about a milliion lipglosses in your purse and that one time, they were jacked from you in the bathroom! Ha Ha. That story still makes me laugh.

Lauren Ricci said...

Thanks for sharing! Surveys are great because you always learn something new about people, even if you have know them for going on 10 years. I never knew you were a McDonalds worker and I can't believe I forgot to say I carry my TIDE to go stick everywhere too!

Love you and your blog and am looking forward to learning so much more about my dear friend.


Kathleen said...

You burp on command. Very impressive Hannie. I would never have guessed, but when I think about it, it makes sense. You should blog about your experience auditioning for Deal or No Deal.