Monday, November 4, 2013

six month check

Six month Check up for our big little guy. 
Here he is before Dr. Paul gave him his exam, and Nurse Cindy gave him his shots.  I was hoping that his reaction to his shots were the same as last time, which was NO reaction.  But, I thought that was pretty wishful thinking...
So, I got him almost all dressed before she gave him his shots, thinking that he was not going to be a happy camper once injected, and therefore not a very cooperative baby while I needed to dress him... But, amazingly, he was as cool as a little cucumber once again.  He had 3 shots and one oral, and he winced for a sec on the second shot, but then let it go, and was fine.  Such a good baby. 

Here he is sporting his cool kiddie band aids, but no tears or squirms.  
Just cute fat thighs!
20.12 lbs
27 in.