Tuesday, June 18, 2013

why i do it

I was thinking about my blog for some reason today, and I asked myself why I bother?  The most obvious reason to me is because I dislike scrapbooking very much, but I love photos because they capture my memories that I would forget.  So, my blog is an easy place for me to store all of them where they are safe, and in one place.  But, other than that, why do I do it?  I came to the realization that my blog makes me happy.  Although all are welcome to visit "andhannie", and I invite anyone to do so that so cares, I really would not care if I were the only one to ever visit the site.  I do it for me, and for my family.  It is a way for me to focus on what I have, instead of what I lack.  It is a method for me to express my gratitude, and to visually see my blessings.  For that, I am grateful that I have kept this journal.  And, I am grateful to those who have shared it with me, becasue sharing makes me happy.  Nuff said!


Raenie said...

DITTO!! We must be related :-)

Adam said...

I visit every few months to see what's going on in your life Hannie - I'm glad you like sharing!