Monday, September 5, 2011

finding my fire

"Everyone needs to find the one thing that brings out their passion.  It's what we do and share with the world that matters. I believe it's important that we leave our communities in better shape than we found them.  Far too many people die with a heart that's gone flat with indifference, and it surely must be a terrible way to go.  Life will offer us amazing opportunities, but we've got to be wide-awake to recognize them.  If there is one important thing in life, it is to find your true calling.  That's where true happiness and purpose lies.  You'll never be fufilled if you don't.  You've got to find your fire."
                                                                                                                                saving ceecee honeycutt, a novel

"Mrs. Odell once told me that forgiveness had a whole lot more to do with the person doing the forgiving than it did with the person in need of forgiveness.  She said that holding on to hurt and anger made about as much sense as hitting your head with a hammer and expecting the other person to get a headache."

                                                                                                     -Cecilia Rose
                                                                                                                            saving ceecee honeycutt, a novel

I love a phrase with substance.  Something to chew on for a good long while.  It's the reason I changed the title of this blog.

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