Wednesday, August 11, 2010

pc arts

We almost pooped out on the Park City Arts Festival this year.  With our move and all our projects and a weekend full of yard work, we were exhausted and unsure on our stamina.  But, we both decided it just wouldn't be the same if we didn't keep up the tradition and trek on up there.  We are so glad we did too, because we were able to complete our decor in our TV room with 3 new prints that are framed and on the wall now!  As always, it was good to get away, enjoy the relaxed feel of PC, the outdoor music, and all the other good stuff that the festival brings and attracts! Cheers to another year of enjoyment!

1 comment:

Karen T said...

With all the activities you attend, you should start writing for City Weekly! I'm always impressed with your sense of adventure!

Post pics of the new home soon!