Monday, August 9, 2010

meet the sutherlands

Recently Ryan and I went to our good friend Misti's wedding.  She found the man of her dreams, and we could not be more happy for them!  They are perfect for each other, and it was so great to see her so at peace, ready to move forward with her life, and to witness their coming together, as well as their children.  They make a 'picture perfect' family, and the kids all get along so well.  I am very thrilled for her, and I love Justin... he is her perfect match!
Here's a few photos of the evening. 
Introducing: The Sutherlands

I love that as much as she doesn't like cowboy boots, she wore a pair just to surprise her man! He was so happy.  It cracked me up....good 'ol Misti Lou.

1 comment:

Lauren Ricci said...

The way you described her wedding, her new family and that day was absolutely perfect! Thanks for tsharing the pictures, it looks like it was an amazing day she truly deserves!