Monday, June 1, 2009

lake powell on indian summer '09

We just returned from heaven and like I promised... because I do always keep promises (at least the important ones) here is a little re-cap of our taste of what it really is like somewhere out there in the universe. Really, truly, if heaven is like Lake Powell... sign me up sister sue! The Moomba
Boys hard at work anchoring our floating abode Mr. RHB and MC Petty
Jannie and ReneeThe Rollins' plus one in the tummyPlayin' a little Rook, and YES, Mr RHB got a whoopin'... which the poker players LOVED! Jannie surfin like a pro the crazy girls are holding on tight! well... maybe not! me and Roggie RogRy, Rog, Jannie: those crazy cats! Here's all the girls after Lana and UJ FINALLY got their butts on the boat to join the party! So, for those of you who don't know, or haven't clued in: Ryan and I have a sister wife. Her name is Kammie, or Cremes, Cremmie, Kamsters... you choose. Anyway, the cat is out of the bag. Here are a few photos of our alone time together... Cremes: we sure love you! Rog just chillinhere are a few captains. Captain RHBCaptain PenneCaptain Creme who took over after I was fired on the job. Gosh! I really was a bad driver! And, there it is. Heaven coming to an end. Lucy is tuckered right out and ready to sail on home to her own bed.
Cheers to another amazing trip to Lake Powell. To Cookie Jar Bay and the security she provided us. To Indian Summer and all her greatness. To lasting friendships. To the men who provided the transportation. To the girls who cooked great food. But, mostly, to the Wilde's who shared so much, made a wonderful vacay happen for us all, and so graciously allowed us all to feel right at home on their home on the water. We love you guys!


Julie said...

It looks like you had a BLAST!

I would have to say that must be what heaven is like....! We can only hope:)

Lauren Ricci said...

Looks like you had a great time!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Congrats to Lucy on being preggers! How exciting!!!!

Kathleen said...

Too much fun!!!! Good times.