Sunday, December 7, 2008

thrift 4

While wandering around my neighborhood DI a few weeks ago... you guessed it! I stumbled upon my fourth project. Mr. RHB was everything but thrilled when I announced my latest purchase. If anything is mentioned to him with his name and the word work in the same sentence, he instantly clams up, shakes his head, and pleads with me to 'knock it off'. It is just another one of those moments between us when I simply remind my dear sweet husband to "just love, don't hate." And again, he pulled through. Well, actually I need to take this moment to thank my wonderful father-in-law, for he is the one who got the truck, loaded this baby up, and delivered it to my garage. Thanks so much Darrell for taking the initiative and helping me out. You are such a great person. Originally I had a vision for this bad boy, and then it changed... And TA DA!
So obviously, that original vision was modified a bit. And, I even did the demo all my myself. If you haven't seen me lately, next time you do, make sure you check out my amazingly huge guns. I am quite the wonder woman. (i am kidding if you weren't sure) Thanks RHB for helping me move and re set up all the crap (cords, plugs, wires, tangled messes.. I hate AV) After a few choice words and a bit of work, I am sure he is relaxing as I blog, watching storm chasers, as you can see. (btw, can you guess what his first comment was after the set up was complete?)
'NOW I FOR SURE NEED A BIGGER TV...' It is just the same as me saying 'now I for sure need one more pair of shoes'... I suppose. It's all about perspective...

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Look at you go girl! Very nice. Good luck on that bigger TV.