Friday, December 19, 2008

random: just how we like it

Ryan called Caleb last weekend and said "hey bud, do you want me to come over so we can go make some donuts in the car?" Caleb replied adamantly back "NOOOOOOO!!" and promptly wanted to get off the phone. Ryan hung up, and was like 'fine then, just thought it would be fun..' A minute later Caleb called back begging him to take him "I mean yes I want to go Ryan, lets go make donuts.." So, Thursday I am on the phone with Carmen and she mentions that Caleb is wondering when Uncle Ryan is going to take him out in the snow. She recaps the story telling me that Caleb had initially taken him literally, thinking that Ry wanted to MAKE DOUGHNUTS in the car. After he hung up and his mom and brothers explained to him what donuts really were... well.. that explains the quick phone call back. What a character. Anyway, it was snowing badly today, and this afternoon we had an appointment near Carmen's house so I reminded Ryan of his uncle duties in the snow, so we went over to the Cranes and picked up the boys and took them to the local church parking lot... It was something like this: We had fun. At least I did. We probably are not on the favorite list of the local plow company though. It was all fresh snow, and lots of it.
After that we were on our way home, back up to the DC.. (davis county) but after almost an hour in SLOWWWWWWWWW traffic and horrible roads and only making it maybe 10 miles, we decided on a detour to one of our establishments locally. CPK. It was fun.
Have you ever watched Jay Leno when he has "judgemental bastard" on? The guy from the Sopranos that goes around on the streets of NYC and predicts on camera all the history and characteristics of a person before approaching them, and then sees how accurate his judgements are by interviewing them...? Well, anyway, we were sitting at the bar at CPK, just enjoying the ambiance, people watching, socializing, and chatting away, when two middle aged women sat beside us and Ryan decided to be 'judgemental bastard'. So he whispered to me his predictions and then I dared him to interview them to see how accurate he was. We were laughing so hard. It was so funny, and I have to say, he was pretty spot on. The one thing he got wrong though was, he predicted that they were having dinner and then headed to a movie. NOPE... not tonight, for they had tickets to Niel Diamond. "Niel Diamond?!!" I said. Well then, hell, lets go baby! So......... after dinner, you got it, we scalped tickets to good ol' niel. (and for $15 baby!!) We never did sit in our seats, but we did sit in a few others that were much closer! We had such a blast. I am so amazed at his voice and how well he preforms and how exact he sounds in person versus on the radio or CD. Although we are not huge fans, it was way nostalgic to hear some of the songs, and some of his new ones are pretty great.
It was a random night, full of fun, circles in the snow, new friends, laughs, and some dancin' and singin'
Go Niel! You pretty much rock!

Niel in the great SLC!


Jenny and Troy said...

Hannie, I have SO many comments about this....
1 - I miss you guys!
2 - LOVE the doughnuts story!
3 - CPK may be "local" but it is a CA establishment (take this in my very teasing friendly love you tone)
4 - Ryan can be the guy from Jay Leno because he cares enough to see people for more than most people bother to ever notice
5 - Neil Diamond does not pretty much rock. Neil Diamond ROCKS. When I say ROCKS I mean he is the best rock....a DIAMOND.
6 - I am not sure who got an Evite and who did not....plz go to my blog if you did not because you guys are so invited to our Christmas story party. Things are so convoluted right now and I am not sure how many e-mail addresses were properly sent from my email address list to Troys. But you guys have to join us! Merry Xmas girl. I love you, you are just one of those people that everyone wants to know. And so is Ryan. What a great love story.

Karen T said...

Oh Hannie, you guys just crack me up! I love this post ! You are spontaneous and a lot of fun. I will NEVER let you live down NEIL DIAMOND!

Kathleen said...

Neil Diamond????? I can hear you laughing ....