Monday, December 15, 2014

crib jumper

I wish I could have filmed Dare's latest shannigan.  Crib jumping.  Yep.  He's fearless. I witnessed this on the baby cam (when he was supposed to be napping, I might add).  He would just lift one leg up and over the side of the crib, and once the one leg was over he would turn and flip his other leg out, hang for a split second, and without an awareness or care of how high up he was, or a possible crazy high fall, he would just let go, BANG, and hit straight down on his little rear end... and then say "owie!"  Just so matter of fact like that.  No cry.  Just "owie".  
Little tiger!  
So, Ryan and I decided in an effort to avoid potential broken bones, or more than the normal amount of daily acquired bruising, it was time to convert the crib into a toddler bed.  

Last night was his first night as a big boy.  I caught it on his baby cam, and took a photo. He was sound asleep.  And, seeming to do so well.  I was such a proud mama!  But... it was oh so short lived...

And, so now, we have... 
one little monkey jumping on the bed
escaping from the bed in the middle of the night and scaring the bejesus out of his mama
all of a sudden not liking the bed because he can get out, so why would he like an actual bed?
more crying at bedtime than ever
 an overnight con artist who knows how to get his daddy right where it counts (dad's lack of stamina to hold tight and let dare cry it out and figure it out), and  now has weasled his way into mom and dad's bed last night and tonight...compliments of his daddy.  

(I told Ryan this is his deal if he continues to cave!  I put him to bed every night, and although the past two nights it kills me to listen to him cry and carry on forever, in his efforts that are ever so full of stamina, trying to convince us to let him out of his room prison, I will not cave.  I am just as determined to bed train him as I was to sleep train him as a newborn, and crib train him as a 4 week old.  And at both I was 100% successful!  So, if my main man wants any positive results, don't ya think he should just let my Nazi heart rule for now?  At least until we get through this little rough patch that is...)  

I think he fails to remember what an expert kennel trainer I was as well with Bogey.  Our first child.  I have this hard heart approach (not's all pretend, but they don't know it), no nonsense, looking forward to the pay off of many nights FULL of sleep if I just endure a week of sleepless crazy carrying on... until the little one finally gets that mom means business!  And, that is the best! Seeing it pay off.  Night after night.  But, as I type this at 11:30 pm, Ryan and Dare are snuggling in the master king size.  I'm pretty sure the last I checked, Dare had completely horizontally taken over my side...  Maybe that toddler bed was meant for me?

And so it begins...

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