Saturday, March 29, 2014

behind the scenes

Hi! My name is Dare and I have a little secret.  Here are some things I have been doing when my mom leaves me to be tended by someone else REALLY FUN!! 
Dad lets me eat all the peanut butter I want! 

Auntie Mij lets me play in her makeup, and wear my jammies with holes in the toes! 

Granny and Papa gave me a balloon to play with, and I LOVED it!! 

Auntie CC lets me organize her pantry! 

Cousin Caleb loves me to pieces and gets down on the floor to play with me before he has to leave for school.  

Papa watches me play while he rests on the couch!  I probably wear him out! 

I am so lucky to have so many people love me and spoil me. My mom thinks I am turning into a very opinionated and stubborn little pickle because of it, but I know it makes her happy too!