Friday, May 24, 2013

first night in crib

I told myself from the beginning that Dare would sleep in his cradle next to my side of the bed until he was a month old.  And that is what he did!  Yesterday he turned a month old, and last night was his first night in his big boy crib, in his own room!  And he did so well!  I am thinking I should have done this sooner!  He slept 4.5 hours between feedings, totally eliminating one of his feedings!  I am so proud!  And, thanks to our video moniter (thanks Paula and Jen!), if I was worried about him, I just peeked in on him on the screen, and I didn't have to get up!


Kathleen said...

Sweet. You are one lucky mom to have such a great baby.

Lauren Ricci said...

The video monitor is a must! Yay for having him in his own room and getting a few more hours of sleep. By 2 months I am sure he will be sleeping through the night. Such a great little guy!

Raenie said...

That's a big step...moving out of mama's room! He's just across the hall though, no biggie. You're a great mom, Hannie!