Sunday, February 19, 2012

bored of winter

I know it's the winter blues... but c'mon!
It's not like I haven't been busy lately... even today, I ran some errands, went over to Chal and Ben's new home renno project and helped clean for a few hours, then went and got dinner for my man.  (he's been sick all weekend, I feel so bad for him.  there is nothing worse than feeling crappy, running a fever, and having cabin fever all in one)
And, as recent posts have shown, I have been up to a few things around my home as well.  Humm....
How can I talk myself into feeling like it is ok to have NOTHING to do? That does not sit well with me.   I was listening to the words of that one song, by that one country artist, (everyone else probably knows who it is, but I am terrible with "who sings what") which say: "You just might miss the point, if you don't slow down the pace.  Life is not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away." 
I know my husband thoroughly enjoys the small glimpses he gets of me a few times a year, when I am sitting.  Like literally, sitting, doing nothing.  But, even he, as much as he would like me to "be still" more often, admits that my stillness makes him somewhat nervous.  He feels like there must be something wrong if I am not buzzing around him or someone else.  So, tonight, after I hit "publish", I shall be still.  And wait.  For what?  I have no idea.  But hopefully the light bulb will soon turn on inside my bored brain.  A new buzz will start, and my boredom frown will turn upside down.  Into a smile.

1 comment:

Linda (Mom) said...

This comes from the person you got some of that drive and energy from, your Dad. I have learned that to be still is okay and even better is to ponder. Now there is a big difference between daydreaming and pondering but to ponder allows the mind to soak up what is going on around and within and it allows one to be more in tune with the spiritual part of life. It is also a time when much creativity can occur. So my dear daughter, sit back, enjoy, be still and PONDER. Lov Ya