Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the search is over

Just like the song says: the search is over... at least for this year. Jordan will most likely continue his quest to find that perfect buck, but we're done. He does have until Sept. 11 to do so. We did the annual camp trip to southern Utah again this past weekend and just returned tonight. Home sweet home... AHHH! Running water! What a luxury!
Well. Here are a few photos of what we encountered.
a coyote
some antelope
a comfy campsite
my favorite: fire!
pretty scenery. this waterfall was actually much prettier in real life. my camera just doesn't do it justice.
All in all, it was a good trip for many reasons. We were able to spend more time with Jordan, especially since he had a lot of one-on-one with his dad when they were out hunting. We removed ourselves from the real life, and were able to completely enjoy nature, the peace of it, and the world minus all the chaos. I was able to finally finish reading a book that I had started a few months ago. A book that I devoured and couldn't get enough of once I really got into it. I think I could write a whole post about this book, and I just may do so. It really hit home to me on so many levels. Stay tuned for more on that later. I was able to have a lot of alone time, and one night in particular while I sat by the campfire alone, thinking, contemplating, meditating.... I was able to really take the time to think about perspective and re align myself and my thoughts and attitudes about so many things. They say that fire is a great cleanser for nature; that it brings out new life and burns away the old. That night, the fire was that for me, for my soul. It was healing. More on that later too...
Another really good thing about this trip was that Jordan was able to learn a really valuable lesson on being prepared. I am going to try and convince Ryan to post about that experience and how that was such a teaching moment for him to his son on so many levels. Finally, today when we took Jordan back home to Kanab, we were able to drop him off at the school so that he could take his FINAL test to complete all high school credit requirements for graduation! We also had to track down his old employer so that he could sign off and verify some hours that Jordan worked that could count as school credit hours. After getting that signed off, and taking the test, he is now going to graduate HS and it will be official on 3 September! High Five! Ryan and I were talking on the way home and have decided it is now time for faith. It is now time to be the support system as much as we can without being too invasive and overbearing, and turning the rest of his fate and his path over to a much higher and wiser power. To relinquish that control (because we don't have control anyway) is actually quite empowering and relieving. He is a good kid, we know this. Only time, life experiences, and all the different bumps in the roads, and twists and turns can really teach him what he needs. And we'll be here the whole time for whatever assistance he needs or asks for. (Well... within reason!)


Karen T said...


Raenie said...

Hannie, that's awesome! What a great moment for you to meditate and ponder. I've been trying to do that more myself. It's amazing how much control over our lives we really do have. And how much easier it is with Heavenly Father's help. I'm anxious to hear more about your experience.

JenTix said...

Hannie, Ryan and the kids are so very lucky to have you. You are an amazing "Bonus" mother!