Monday, January 26, 2009

tio time

Miran! Mami y papi! No les precupen, estoy bien con mis tios!
Here's some mama loves for you Chal, because although I know you must be in heaven down in Mexico, how can you not miss your teenie texers!?!?
As soon as he got here, he was OBSESSED with Ryan's fish. FISH, FISH, FISH.... and on and on, until Ry got home from work and was able to take it off the wall for him to love.
He had to give it a kiss.Then they read about all sorts of wildlife (and of course fish) in Eastman's Hunting Journal. Do you like our selection of children's books? Then it was wrestle mania for the next half hour. Then bath time, which turned into tsunami of the bathroom. HE is the fish! No wonder he is obsessed with those creatures!
Then it was time for more fish. "Ryannie fish? FISH! fish? FISH!" So, they watched fishing clips on the internet. One right after another. Then it was time for bed. So, mami y papi , while you WILDE children (in more ways than one...) are romping and roaming in mexi land, rest assured, your child is safe, happy, and sleeping soundly here in winter land. Miss you, but pretty much you are out of sight out of mind in your child's world. But, that's how it should be, cuz that way you know he's not sad. See you soon!

1 comment:

The Patrona said...

21jan02You've melted out hearts! Thank you, thank you for posting pics of our monster. We are missing him so much. It looks like he is having the time of his life, but I can't imagine that he wouldn't. It's always got to be a party with Aunt and Uncle Ryannie. Thanks for loving on him, and showing him his favorite, the fish. We miss you guys terribly and so wish you were here. We'll catch you on the next trip down. March or April perhaps! Work on those passports.