Friday, June 1, 2018

favorite people

I can't describe how much I love these 2 people!  I feel so fortunate to be in the position I am, to daily connect with my friends. The Lundbergs are my absolute favorite and cutest couple! Every time Elden brings LaWona in, he leaves at first, but always returns before we're done and he sits inmy pedicure chair and visits.  I learn so much from LaWona during our alone time, then Elden comes and tells me jokes (usually the same ones as the visit before...shhh!! they are always funny, even on repeat), gives me life advice...on relationships, differences between man/woman, etiquette, and reminds me always to be sweet and loving.  LaWona reminds me to not be "cross" about men and their many annoying and predictable behaviors. She told me one day that they've been happily married for 65 years. Elden corrected her and said "no we've been married for 68 years!" She said  "I know dear, I said happily married!"  We all laughed and laughed. They are the best! I'm a lucky girl to call these 2 my friends. I look forward every time to our monthly connections!

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