Saturday, July 4, 2015

quiet fourth

We had a pretty low-key 4th of July weekend.  We were supposed to go camping and boating in Flaming Gorge with the Wilde's and the Poll's, but Dare ended up getting pretty sick and was so lethargic and unexcited about life, food, water, and play, that we decided to just stay put for the weekend and let him rest and re-coop.  Although I was super bummed about having to cancel, it was for the best, and he would have been miserable, and therefore we would have been as well!  We did take him to the Centerville parade on he morning of the 4th.  He did OK for awhile, and then he pretty much tapped out.  Poor lil guy!  Rosy red, hot cheeks, and a scratchy little voice in between coughs saying "mama I hot, lets go!"

He gathered quite a bit of candy off the ground, and loved the fire trucks, police sirens, and the F-16 flyover!

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