Friday, May 29, 2015

bedtime fairy

 It's about time I get a grip and nip this "little issue" in the bud! Dare for the past 6 months has been falling asleep on our bed, and then once asleep, I put him in his bed.  He has been refusing to go to sleep in his own bed or even in his room (and I just have not wanted to fight it, because his stamina and his stubbornness  make it so unpleasant and so high emotion, and I just don't like him to get that way at bedtime)  So I finally figured out a way to bribe him (although we had to lay with him on his floor while he fell asleep, but he still was in his room and that's a HUGE start)  He was so excited about his prize this morning!

 Meet "The Bedtime Fairy"

the bedtime fairy is sooo proud of Dare for:
*going to bed in his own room last night
*she watched him put a sticker on his chart before bed and again this morning. proud
*while he was sleeping she flew down with her fairy wings and kissed his checks and told him to have sweet dreams
*she has an  idea...maybe tonight it would be much more comfortable if he slept on his own soft bed instead of his floor
*she really hopes he likes the toy she left him for doing such a good job
*she'll see him again in his room Tonight at bedtime

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