For my birthday I asked some friends to attend the Make a Wish annual gala with me. There were 12 of us total in our group, and we had a grand 'ol time. Thank you to my friends for supporting such a great cause, and for sharing my birthday with me in space.
Cheryl Fox, my friend and client for years. She is one of the main people who puts on this event each year.
We had a few moments with the Star Wars characters.
Camie, me, Tara, Chal
Kelly, Carmen, Frida, Brian
Chal and Ben
Shawn contemplating on his next donation purchase...
The characters in the theater motivating us to donate
Sen. and Astronaut Jake Garn. One of the guest speakers.
....and then we went and played...
girls with pretty faces, boys with goofy faces
We love you Bennie, and we can't wait for you to rock out on the drums for us!
the band was singing happy birthday to me and I was leading everyone in chorus
my friends were really feelin' the beat of that club song ;)
It was an excellent birthday...