Saturday, November 27, 2010

thankful on the east coast

Our visit to Charlotte began at 348 Magnolia.
 It is so beautiful this time of year!

 We were content to just laze around, enjoying the fact that we could be kicking our feet up on the deck, while our comrades in UT were combating a blizzard.

 I had to capture the colors, many of which were just beginning to fall off the trees.

 this is part of the skyline of Uptown Charlotte
 the men on thanksgiving day...
 the women on thanksgiving day...
 but, we had time to relax later on that evening, playing some good ol' uno and mad gab
 Heiko surprised us with tickets to see Bret Michaels!  We were so excited!
 He preformed at a new place in the EpiCentre called Whiskey River.
 It was a pretty cool venue.
 My camera sucks in the dark, but here's Bret!
 Heidi and I were both so happy to know that we could ride the bull!  We were so much cooler and better at it than all the others! ;)

We had a great visit, and it was so nice to spend time with Heiko, Melis, and Heidi.  We were so glad she made the effort to drive from Columbus.  It wouldn't have been the same without her! 

Oh, yes, and one more thing!  I was so anxious to go shopping at my childhood discount grocery.  They are only on the east coast.  Although ghetto, nostalgic.  I had to have my favorite chocolate chip chewy cookies.  They still taste the same, but I think my taste buds have matured, because they were not worthy of eating a whole bag at a time!  Good stuff!
Yeah for Aldi! 


Lauren Ricci said...

Glad you had such a great trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving! You deserve it. Can't wait to hear more about it in a few weeks. PS I love nostalgic food and places :)

Raenie said...

Ahhh, the colorful fall leaves. I miss it so much! Sounds like you had a great time. Love the Aldi shoutout!