Saturday, June 5, 2010

too $hort

When I was growing up in Ohio, I had a best friend who had an older brother who loved Rap. Every time I saw him he was greeting me with “Whaz up Too Short!?” or “Whaz up Life Is?!” I thought it was cool to have the affection of an older high school boy, but never thought much about the meaning behind my nick name. I obviously knew he got the names from a rapper and one of his songs; I just never really listened to the lyrics.

Thinking of those 4 words this week, the meaning has really hit home. Life IS too short. Life is fragile. Life is amazing. Life is meant to be full. Life is to be lived. Life does end. Sometimes way too soon for some.
I attended two funerals today. During my time spent in both of those gatherings of tribute for each of them, I thanked God for my life. And, I cried for the brief moment they each were able to live, that ended too soon. I felt grief for all who are still here and who are mourning. I feel sad for their deep pain. I also felt inspired. Inspired to love more. And show it. If you haven’t lost anyone close to you recently, I hope you don’t. If you have, learn from them, and remember that: Life is too short.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I'm so sorry Hannie. Two funerals in one day? Woah. Life is too short. It doesn't matter how old you are when you leave. Love you, my friend.