Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a little neti

I have a sinus infection... It SUCKS! Especially because I have a job in which I am sitting inches from my client and I have no choice but to blow the snot monster out of my nose every five minutes while they sit there and enjoy. LOVELy... I heart that immensely. My husband thinks it's hot.... So do they. Anyway, one of my clients informed me of the Neti Pot. Apparently I am the only one that has not heard of it. BUT, just in case, here it is: I marched myself right on over to Walgreen's on Monday night after work and bought the store brand version of this little guy. By the time I arrived home with my purchase, I was so delirious and sick after 15 hours of work and 75 Kleenexes, I had Ryan read the directions to me and I tried it out. AND... IT WORKED wonders. I could breathe. I did it again this morning before work, and I hardly suffered all day. I still had the kleenex close by, but the pressure was gone. I am truly impressed. Moral?: if you have a sinus infection due to the lovely inversion, GET a Neti Pot! It is gross and amazing at the same time, but it all = feeling better, so who cares!!


Kathleen said...

I'm so sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

You will have to ask Steve about his experience with this...G.

Raenie said...

I have heard of these, but didn't know if they really worked...I'll keep it in mind if I ever get stuffed up.