Sunday, September 30, 2012

circulation is a must

The reason why with preggy cold/hot flashes that I have still been sleeping lately, and why Ryan sleeps next to me much longer, before needing his downstairs couch.   I'm so glad to finally have a celing fan.

Friday, September 28, 2012

first fall hike

I asked Carmen to take a hike with me yesterday.  Of course, she said yes, because whenever I ask her to do something for me or with me, she always says yes.  I am a lucky little sis.  I always seem to miss out on this time of fall, because it is here and gone before you know it.  So, this year I am determined to enjoy it before it slips past me.  It was an amazing day.  Perfect weather.  And so nice to have a random Thursday off when I am usually fast at work. 

Shadow and Bogey loved the outing too.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

backyard sleep

Last night Ryan suggested we sleep underneath the stars, and let the sound of our waterfall lull us to sleep.  It was fun.  And probably some of the best sleep I've gotten in a long time. 
As a sleep aid, I vote for the sound of water over the sound of TV any day!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Baby Pic #2
Our baby looks like it's in a cocoon.  A lot like I have been feeling lately.  I surround myself with food (to prevent nausea), my comfy squishy blankets in my bed, clothes that don't squeeze my tummy, time with my husband, and my dear clients at work.   But out of all those, my favorite is my bed.  So, while my baby has been blissfully floating and forming these past almost 10 weeks, I have pretty much checked out of my normal life.  I sometimes wonder if I am becoming anti-social.  But, I know myself well enough.  It is situational.  Maybe in the next few weeks I will start to resurface. But, for now, if sacrificing my "normal" means healthy baby in the end, I'm good with it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

holy war

The HOLY WAR at Utah
15 Sept 2012
8 pm-midnight
7th row seats 7-8, 40 yd line
[Thanks Sharon!]

crowd rush #3 after 3 seperate rulings against Utah on the final clock

BUT, in the end...TAKE that BYU! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

8 weeks

Every Tuesday my baby is a week older. So, if I can remember, I am going to track it's growth via my tummy every 4 weeks.
Sept 11 2012
8 weeks

Friday, September 7, 2012

OLDer sis

I keep forgetting to make this announcement. 
My sister is officially OLD.
Happy Birthday Mijken!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

our news

A lot of this
Plus 4 weeks of this

equal this

me really loopy on iv drugs

in an effort to get these:
our 3 embryos

Plus this

Equals this

Plus 4 weeks more of this
Equals this

Our little peanut (really a raspberry in size)

Due on 23 April 2013
Thank you for hanging in there Daddy Bailey.
I know this has been a bit much for you.