Tuesday, August 9, 2016

bunnies and petey

Dare loves little creatures.  Petey sometimes stays with us when his family travels, and he gets to play with the bunnies when Andrea takes him over to her friends house.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

backyard sleepover with sis

We needed to set up our new tent before we took it camping, just to be sure we knew what we were doing, and that all the pieces were actually there!  So, Dare decided he wanted a sleepover with sis in the tent!  Of course!!

latest diy

 I found these once disgusting YELLOW bar-stools at DI.  They were $4 each.  With a bit of spray paint rehab, we now have two decently ok bar-stools for our outdoor living space! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

aislyn preforms

Sis and her dance group were invited to preform at a pre-season football game.  It was so cute to see all those littles out there, and Dare was definitely proud of his big sis!