Sunday, February 28, 2016

monster trucks

Brett was able to get us some great seats for the Monster Truck show at The Maverick Center.  Tay and Titan came up for the weekend and enjoyed a good ole WT, truck smashin, people watchin, gear grindin, LOUD show!

Tay had to move Titan's head away from the show for a pic!
We invited Ben Coon and his two sons, Tray and Ty to come along!  Dare loves these boys and they love him!

Dare was cracking me up, even with his earplugs, he still thought it was way too loud!!
And, Titan could have cared less about the noise.  He was in truck HEAVEN, and completely in a truck COMA.  He loved every second!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

parktime playtime

A weekend visit from Tay and Ty is always a treat!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

...and isn't that the truth...

I saw this online the other day, and chuckled! I know my lil one isn't quite 3, but on most levels, has been acting as if that were so, for the past 6-8 weeks.  I am becoming more and more of a firm believer in the belief by many of my friends that it is NOT the "terrible twos", it's the "irrational and terrible threes"!!  

Saturday, February 6, 2016

airplane haircut

Dare has needed a haircut for awhile now, but I have been resistant.  We love his long hair, and didn't want to butcher it.  I took him to "Cookie Cutters" and he was super excited to have Mari cut his hair while he sat in the airplane.  I am not in love with the cut, it needs 2 weeks, and then it will look ok.  That's what my dad says:  "the difference between a bad haircut and a good one...2 weeks!"

I am just pleased that he held so still, and didn't throw a fit about having it cut!

Friday, February 5, 2016

storytime kite

 The theme at Storytime today was Chinese New Year.  Miss Cindy taught them a few words in Chinese, read stories about the culture, and then they did a parade around the bookshelves holding onto a long dragon kite.  It was super cute! 

 She even read one of my favorite childhood books!  I loved this book, and still do!  It is so fun to say his name! Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarembo Hari Kari Pi Chi Pip Peri Pembo.

i love myself

Dare loves himself.  It makes my heart happy.  I often find him staring at himself in the mirror.  I would love nothing more, than for him to ever remain this self assured and confident his whole life through! 

 He also loves taking selfies, and insisted the other night as he brought my phone to me (he had already set the camera up for a selfie) that we take a family selfie, Bogey included.  We did our best to play along, and he was super happy that we did!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

granny, papa, cc

Dare has been under the weather this past week.  He started with a fever on Tuesday night of almost 103.  Ryan stayed home with him on Wednesday.  I am so fortunate to have a husband who will do that, and do it willingly.  It is also a perk that his job allows for him to have the flexibility to work from home.  Thursday my mom and dad stepped in, came up and picked him up, dropped him off to auntie cc for a few hours, and then went back to get him, and he stayed with them til I got off work.  He perked right up that day, and his fever finally broke mid morning.  It hadn't since Tues night.  So, that was a bonus!  He just needed some granny and papa loves, and some auntie time!
 In Grandma and Papa Foutz's car, carrying his "purse" with all his toys.  (it's a grocery sack)
In auntie cc's bathroom playing with all her "lips" and putting them all on. He is still obsessed with lip gloss, and chapstick.